113.  This Contractor shall furnish and install six (6) light trees for spotlights as shown on the drawings.  All vertical pipe stanchions shall have swivel arms with lock collars for holding spot lights in place.  This Contractor shall furnish all necessary braces and brackets.  The two (2) vertical pipe stanchions for the side proscenium spot lights in the recesses shall have not less that eight (8) swivel arms each.  These stanchions shall rest on ball step bearings and shall have collar supports and brackets so arranges that the entire vertical stanchion can be turned by a lever from the platform in the recesses.

114. The Contractor shall furnish and install the pipes, pipe hangers, and the necessary steel work to support these from the frame work of the building for the "C" cove musicians flood spot lights and for the "D" cove arc lights; provide hangers and supports for the six (6) arc spotlights.  These hangers shall be securely hung and braced from the framing of the building, this Contractor furnishing all necessary steel work.  This work shall be so erected that lamps can be adjusted from the catwalks - the catwalks being furnished and installed by others.

115. This Contactor shall furnish screens under the lights to prevent anything from falling.  This Contractor shall furnish and install hangers and pipe batten in the proscenium arch for flood and borderlights.