116. This Contactor shall furnish and install on
the side bridges at elevation plus eighty (80'0") feet and plus
one-hundred and three (103'0") feet, the necessary pipe rails and
accessories for lamps as shown on the drawings and as hereinafter specified. At
the plus eighty (80'0") foot level there shall be six pair of posts on
each side made of not less than one and one-half (1-1/2") inch pipe,
approximately twelve (12'0") feet high and properly braced at the top by
pipes running the full depth of the stage.
These pipe posts shall be spaced as directed. One each post there shall be not less than
five (5) triple swivel arm brackets for three (3'0") foot extensions, with
a receptacle on end for a spot light and with clamp screws at each knuckle
joint. On the posts for spacing the
swivel arms, there shall be adjustable collars with thumb set screws. The on-stage legs of the down stage posts
shall be extended not less than six (6'0") feet below the platforms. These extensions shall have not less than
three (3) swivel arms. Both the on and
off stage sides of these platforms shall have double guard rails, extending for
the full depth of the platform. These
guard rails shall be made of pipe of sufficient size and strength to support
spot lights. These guard rails shall be
attached to the posts by adjustable clamps so that guard rails can be raised or
lowered as required by the spot lights.
This Contractor shall furnish and install intermediate posts as directed
to support the guard rails.
117. On both the bridges at the plus one-hundred
and three (103'0") foot level, this Contractor shall furnish and install
guard rails and posts on both the on and off stage edges extending for the full
depth of the bridge. The posts shall be
four (4'0") feet high, spaced about four (4'0") foot on centers, and
shall not be less than one and one-half (1-1/2") inch pipe. The upper guard rail shall be connected to
the top of the post by fittings and the lower guard rail shall be sectional
between the posts made of one and one-quarter (1/1/4") inch pipe and
attached to the posts by adjustable clamps.
118. This Contractor
shall furnish and install four (4) hinged and counterweighted platforms,
securely attached and hinged to the permanent side bridges or fly floors at
elevation plus one-hundred and three (103'0") feet. These hinged counterweighted platforms are
for the purpose of obtaining access to the four (4) light bridges, as shown on
Architects' drawings, from the fly floor on the right hand side of the stage. Provide balanced counterweighted ladders with
separate sets of rigging, attached to light bridges, for access from the left
hand side of stage.