79. Act Curtain
This Contractor shall
install electrically operated sets of rigging to both fly and draw the act
curtain. For the drawing of the curtain
there shall be an approved steel draw track with welded joints. This track shall extend for the full width of
the curtain and shall have a six (6’0”) foot overlap at the center. The track shall have noiseless ball bearing
rubber tired carriages also ball bearing operating sheaves and shall be
operated by an electric draw curtain machine mounted on the draw track.
80. For the flying of
the curtain, the track shall be hung on a counterweighted set of rigging
consisting of ten (10) three-eight (3/8”) inch six by nineteen (6 x 19) cables
operating over sixteen (16”) machine turned ball bearing loft blocks and (1)
twenty-four (24”) inch machine turned ball bearing traction head block with
separate grooves for each cable. The
cables shall be attached to the top of the counterweight frame by one-half
(1/2”) inch turnbuckles. The
counterweight shall equally balance the draw track and curtain and shall
operate on two (2”) inch tee bar tracks of similar construction as specified
for the Protective Fire Curtain except the track need not come to the stage
floor but shall rest on a heavy stop bracket securely anchored to the wall.
81. The electric
hoist shall be of similar construction to that for the Protective Fire Curtain
except that the friction clutch shall be omitted. It shall be similarly secured to the head