49. This Contractor shall furnish and install an electrically operated band car, conforming appropriately to the shape and size of the orchestra pit. The car frame shall be substantially constructed of structural steel, and shall be of ample strength to support the entire orchestra. The top of the frame shall be covered with a wood floor. 

50. The car shall be supported on wide-faced cast-iron wheels, carefully turned to prevent marring the stage floor. All wheels on the rear side of the car shell be keyed to a common driving axle, extending the full length of the car and mounted on roller bearing pillow blocks. The car shall be driven by a direct current motor, connected to the driving axle through a suitable train of gearing. Gearing shall, so far as possible, run in oil to insure quiet operation. Power for the operation of the gear shall be furnished by a storage battery, carried within the car frame. The battery shall consist of sixty (60) cells, Type MVA-7 Exide Ironclad as manufactured by the Electric Storage Battery Company. 

51. Car Control: 
The car shall be controlled by means of a compact reversing type manual controller, providing for three speeds in either direction. The controller shell be equipped with flexible cables, permitting mounting at any desired location on the car. 

52. Battery Charger:
A fully automatic slate-mounted charging panel shall be furnished and installed In the location indicated. Panel shall be enclosed in a sheet metal case. The panel shall be designed to automatically charge the battery through a high-rate rectifier having a maximum capacity of six (6) amperes, and a low rate rectifier having a maximum capacity of one (1) ampere. Upon the completion of the charging circuit, the battery shall automatically receive current from the high rate rectifier and, when charge is completed, shall be disconnected from the high rate rectifier and connected to the low rate rectifier where it shall remain until the charging circuit is broken. 

53. Included with the above equipment shall be a pair of charging leads with an approved charging plug.