11. This Contractor shall furnish and erect, four (4) elevators, one approximately seventy (70'-0") feet long by sixteen (l6'-0") feet maximum width, shaped to conform to the orchestra pit; and on the stage,
two, approximately seventy (70'-0") feet long by sixteen (16'-0") feet
wide, and one seventy (70'-0’) feet long by twelve feet seven inches (12'7") wide. The elevator in the orchestra pit shall travel from sub-basement level, elevation plus twenty-eight feet two inches (28'2") to stage level, elevation plus fifty-five (55'-0") feet. The three stage elevators shall travel from sub-basement level, elevation plus twenty-eight feet two inches (28'2") to a point thirteen feet two inches (13'-2") above stage elevation plus sixty-eight feet two inches (68'2").
12. Each elevator shall be capable of lifing a live load of twenty-eight thousand (28,000) pounds at a normal operating speed of thirty (30'0") feet per minute.