32. At each end of each platform frame there shall be attached a structural steel column, extending downward for a distance of approximately forty-two (42’-0") feet. To the outer flanges of these columns, facing the pit walls, there shall be attached suitable members to serve as guide rails, which shall engage continuous stationary guide shoes, extending from the stage floor to the bottom of the elevator pits. To the inner flanges of the columns there shall be attached means for driving the equalizer mechanism.
33. The equalizer mechanism shall be designed to preserve the level of the elevator plungers throughout their travel, regardless of the distribution of the superimposed load on the platform. The variation in level between the two ends of the platform shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8") inch.
34. A system of interconnecting drives shall be installed to permit the operation of the three stage elevators as a single unit when desired, and when so connected there shall not be more than one-eighth (1/8") inch difference in level between any two adjacent sections. The control of the interconnecting mechanism shall be affected from push- buttons located at the master control station.