9. Orchestra Pit:
There shall be two
(2) holes twenty (20") inches in diameter to receive eighteen (18")
inch pipe casing. Casings shall extend
from finished pit floor elevation plus nineteen feet five inches (19'5") to
elevation minus nine feet five inches (-9'5"), a total of twenty eight
feet ten inches (28'10").
10. Casings for these
holes shall be furnished by others, but shall be set by drilling contractor.
11. Two holes
twenty-six (26") inches in diameter starting at finished pit floor
elevation nineteen feet five inches (19'5") and of sufficient depth to clear
the bottom of the casing at elevation minus nine feet five inches (-9'5").
12. These holes will
not be lined unless loose shale or gravel is encountered. If temporary lining is necessary, it will be
furnished by others.
13. Stage Elevator:
There shall be two
(6) holes twenty (20") inches in diameter to receive eighteen (18")
outside diameter inch pipe casing. Holes
shall extend from finished pit floor elevator plus nineteen feet five inches
(19'5") to a clearance point below the bottom of the casing at elevation
minus twenty-two feet seven inches (22'7"), a total casing length of
forty-two feet (42'0").
14. Pipe casings
shall be furnished by others, but shall be set by the Drilling Contactor.
15. There shall be
six (6) holes twenty-six (26") inches in diameter for elevator cylinders
extending from pit floor elevation plus nineteen feet five inches (19'5")
to a clearance point below the bottom of the cylinders at elevation minus
twenty-two feet seven inches (-22'7").
A total length of cylinders shall be forty-two feet (42'0").
16. These holes will
not be lined unless loose shale or gravel is encountered. If temporary lining is necessary, it will be
furnished by others.
17. The builder shall
clear off all loose material to solid rock and shall lay a concrete pad at
least twelve (12") inches thick to provide a level starting surface for
the drills.
18. The Driller
Contractor shall be required to hold the location of the holes within a
tolerance of one-half (1/2") inch from the dimensions given on the
Elevator Contractor's drawings and in no case shall the holes be more than
one-half inch (1/2") out of plumb.
19. The Drilling
Contractor shall furnish a means for removing water from around the drilling
operations by the General Contractor, also a means of removing core, stone or
other materials caused by the drilling.
20. As the holes are
to be drilled in the field in its present condition, if the Drilling Contractor
requires any cribbing for his machines, he shall be required to furnish a
drawing showing the cribbing. The
Drilling Contractor shall be responsible for the design of this cribbing, both
as to safety and usefulness and shall furnish and install the cribbing.
21. The Drilling
Contractor for the work covered under this specification is referred to
drawings No. 775-37-A revised 12/5/31, and 775-38 dated 12/2/31 of Peter Clark,