The elevator platform shall be framed to receive a revolving platform, forty-three feet two inches (43'2") diameter, as indicated on the drawings. The platform shall be divided in three sections so indicated, and when not used as a turntable, it shall become an integral part of the elevator floor.
43. The platform shall be rotated by means of a seven and one half (7-1/2) H.P. variable speed motor, and shall be controlled from a push button operating station with provisions for two speeds in either direction. The motor shall be connected to the platform by means of a suitable train of gearing. At maximum speed the platform shall make one complete revolution in forty-five seconds.
44. Section Locks:
Suitable means shall be provided for locking the three sections of the platform together for rotation, also locks to maintain alignment of the sections with elevator platform when it is desired to operate the elevators independently. The locking device shall be operated either by motors or electromagnets, and shall be controlled from the main operating station.
45. Operation Interlocks:
Operation Interlocks shall prevent the operation of the revolving mechanism unless the elevators are properly aligned and the interconnecting drive engaged. Additional interlocks shall prevent the operation of the elevators independently unless the sections of the revolving stage are in proper alignment and locked with their respective elevator platform.
46. Collector Rings:
On the underside of the revolving platform there shall be a suitable system of collector rings and brushes to feed the stage pockets located upon the platform. Eight collector rings are required.