60. This Contractor shall furnish and install in trough in stage floor adjoining the footlights an air line with nozzles, approximately three (3") inches on center. This pipe shall be in three (3) sections with control valves so arranged that each section can be operated independently or all sections can be operated together.

61. This Contractor shall also provide two (2) outlets on each side of the stage, a total of four (4). This Contractor shall provide the necessary stage floor pockets for covering the air control valves. The floor pockets shall be set in place by others. This Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) outlets in the machine room and one (l) outlet in the main control room for cleaning. This Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary piping to connect all the above outlets and effect pipes to the auxiliary air receiver located as specified elsewhere in these specifications. The trough, the wood strip covering and all other woodwork on the stage shall be by OTHERS.